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7 Reasons Why YouTube Shorts will Outlast TikTok

  1. YouTube Has Licensing to Sharing Songs Through YouTube Music.

- YouTube music is a legitimate source for music. I personally use Spotify but if if becomes helpful to have an account on YouTube music to create 'shorts' then a switch might be worth considering.

  1. YouTube is a secure and trusted platform that has been around since it was founded in 2005.

- The top search result for 'Is YouTube Secure?' suggests that 97 percent of all of Google's YouTube traffic is now secured by HTTPS.

  1. YouTube has dominated this space.

- Unlike when Google tried creating Google Plus to compete with Facebook and other social media platforms, I personally think the credibility YouTube has with their users will continue to grow.

  1. There are already many influencers on YouTube.

- Many people have gain fame and made a living off of YouTube which leads me to believe that influencers will only continue to support 'shorts'.

  1. Uploading Content is simple.

-Uploading content to YouTube is already rather simple, I expect the shorts app to make uploading to YouTube even more mobile friendly than it already is.

  1. YouTube already is a great tool for marketers given then fact that it is owned by Google and shows videos in the search results.

- I am very interested to see if short videos will perform well in SERPs.

  1. The YouTube Platform is already built to handle multiple video uploads.

- Even if there are a influx of videos created as everyone jumps on the bandwagon, YouTube's platform I assume would be expected to handle it.

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